Training Requirements
Pace University Research Review System (PURRS)
Meet the IRB Team

Training Requirements to Conduct Human Research
All investigators performing research with human subjects must have a current certificate of training from the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Program in either the ‘Social & Behavioral Research – Basic/Refresher’ course or the ‘Biomedical Research – Basic/Refresher’ course.
The Pace University Research Review System (PURRS) application allows the Principal Investigator to identify individuals who will not interact with subjects or have access to their identifiable information, but who require access to the electronic system as “Administrative” personnel. Administrative personnel are not required to have CITI training.
For instructions on how to log in to the CITI Program website, click here

Respect for Persons
requires potential subjects to be treated as autonomous individuals capable of making an informed decision about whether or not to participate in research, and includes safeguards for those groups with less autonomy, such as children, prisoners, and adults with diminished capacity to consent.

requires that any risks to subjects are reasonable in relation to the benefits to subjects and to society at large from the knowledge to be gained by the research.

requires that the risks and benefits of the research be distributed fairly.