Submission Requirements
Pace University Research Review System (PURRS)
Meet the IRB Team

Activities that Do Not Require Submission to the Pace IRB
Submission to the Pace IRB is not required if an Investigator is not acting as an agent of Pace University, or if an activity qualifies as either “Not Human Subjects Research” or “Not Engaged.”
Students who carry out projects involving intervention or interaction with living individuals or their identifiable data where the purpose of the project is to fulfill a class requirement, and not to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge, are also not required to submit the project to the IRB. However, the faculty member responsible for the class must have submitted to the IRB and received an outcome letter from the IRB stating that the faculty’s review process is acceptable.
If, after reviewing Section 2 of the ‘HRPP Policies and Procedures’ you have questions about whether your project requires a submission to the IRB, please email the IRB at
Activities that Do Require Submission to the Pace IRB
Investigators must submit to the Pace IRB prior to beginning any project that involves research with human subjects, determined as described in Section 2 of the ‘HRPP Policies and Procedures.’ Submission to the IRB must occur through the electronic system. For information on how to access the electronic system, see the PURRS (Pace University Research Review System) tab, or click here.
Investigators should contact the IRB if they have any questions about the submission requirements.


Respect for Persons
requires potential subjects to be treated as autonomous individuals capable of making an informed decision about whether or not to participate in research, and includes safeguards for those groups with less autonomy, such as children, prisoners, and adults with diminished capacity to consent.

requires that any risks to subjects are reasonable in relation to the benefits to subjects and to society at large from the knowledge to be gained by the research.

requires that the risks and benefits of the research be distributed fairly.